To make it even better, a GRAND Trine is formed with these two, and the Moon in Gemini between Sunday and Monday, when the Universe harmonizes in the element of air, representing the thought processes and intellect.
The Moon and Uranus sextile at 3:36PM, so Sunday may bring friends together, drop-ins and whatever we consider ‘unusual, disruptive, though it all turns out well!
Neptune in Aquarius and the Moon in Taurus square at 6PM, which means we will be tired by Sunday evening. Monday, January 25th: The Moon enters fun-loving Gemini at 2:12AM EST, and we spend the next 2 and a half days questioning, getting interviewed, writing articles, focused on the art of communication, curious, seeking to understand, and quick to see the other side of any equation. The Grand Trine of the Sun, Moon and Saturn is official.
The Moon squares expansive Jupiter, now in snowy Pisces at 5:10AM, and we find ourselves at odds with our own feelings, as we know change is inevitable.
At 10:05AM, Saturn in Libra Rx,(Retrograde) trines the Moon and the payoff comes with this aspect, squares are the work, and trines are the paycheck! Career and ambitions are blessed.
At 12:18PM, back-to-back trines form with the Sun in brainstorming Aquarius forming an excellent trine to the Moon in super-smart Gemini. The Sun and Moon form a rewarding trine once every ten days, with Grand Trines like this one being the most ‘rewarding’.
At 6:40PM, the Grand Trine shifts now to includes another trine, the best one we could get, to Venus, so love and money matters fall into place.
At 9:35PM, the Moon sextiles Mars, so all’s well that ends’ well, to complete a day of 3 trines, with our energy and those we attract in tune with our emotional and security needs. An amazing day in the Stars! Call me for details on your chart, and your Astro-Cartography!
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