Thursday, January 14th, we are in the dark of the Moon, until the New Moon takes place for those in the Eastern Time Zone, though it’s not until early morning on the 15th for everyone else.
The day is quiet, with two minor aspects between the Moon and Mars, and Mercury and Mars, which can be 'irritating', though the Moon and Uranus making a follow-up sextile to follow the one made to the Sun, at 7:10PM. We bring the home and family into the Uranian environment, with more pleasant surprises, and friendly behavior bringing happiness to many. We feel the need to save the world and become our brothers and sisters keepers with this one!
The New Moon is in Capricorn at the 25th degree, so those born on the 14th/15th/16th, benefit the most, as do all Capricorns, as New Moons bring fresh energy, new attitudes, and a new ‘flow’ of abundance as it unfolds over the month! This should speed the flow of emergency assistance, and make for a faster rescue and clean-up.
Always make a Choose to Claim list on the New Moon, 10 items relating to the qualities of the sign it is in. More on this tomorrow!
Friday, January 15th brings us the Moon and Venus in a conjunction, to follow up with more financial and emotional blessings, just after Midnight!
Mercury the messenger, who has been Retrograde for 3 long messed up weeks, goes Direct in Capricorn at 8AM, so Friday is stellar, as we get our brains back, and we don’t have to do everything twice or thrice!
Just after that, the Moon enters quirky Aquarius, and we get friendly, smart, rebellious, and chose to find our ‘group’ or those who share in our belief systems. Astrology prevails at this time, as the sign of Aquarius rules the Art of Astrology! At 5:45PM, the Moon and Saturn in Libra trine, so the week ends on a note of accomplishment, and success, in spite of Saturn going Retro, mostly due to Mercury going direct on the New Moon, which brings power to our new activities and projects.Call me for details on love, location, career, health and wealth!
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