I just wanted to state that starting a blog is work. Someone has to maintain it. Rex, my friend at Keen.com does a good job so I've been borrowing his post just to have some data on my blog I hope he doesn't mind. Rex is a wonderful astrologer and has his own unique way of interpreting an astrological chart. He has read for me on my chart many times. Thanks Rex!
Now I realize that I can't keep posting Rex's work forever so I will eventually get started inputting my own unique insights from my own humanistic and scientific approach. You know astrology is more than just daily aspects and current trends. We can go very deep with it and that's just what I intend to do.
So let's start with Pluto the planet, yes I call it a planet and not a dwarf planet. Just because it's small doesn't mean it can be deemed a non planet. Pluto is so far out from our planet earth and revolves around the Sun in an elliptic pattern because it is being affected by the gravitation pull from a neighboring solar system. Now I don't know what system, that doesn't matter what matters is that to ignore this important fact and call it an dwarf seems to attempt to diminish its significance. As a matter of fact Pluto may be shared between the two star systems. I think this is the important new research that we should focus on. If it is actually considered a part of another system this kind of points to me the truth about the year 2012 alignment of the our solar system, and 11 other solar systems within our Milky Way Galaxy with our central star Alcyone and it’s central star.
The year 1930 when Pluto was discovered was a time when many new life transforming, humanistic societies and other universal events occurred. The Universal Standard Time system was devised, the Soka Gakkai ( Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhist lay organization) was founded in Japan (November 18, 1930) by the first and second president's, T. Makiguchi and J. Toda and soon after in 1935 Bill W. and Doctor Bob founded Alcoholic's Anonymous three events very important to my life, for obvious reasons; I practice Nichiren's Buddhism; I've been in recovery for over 22 years; and as an astrologer and used to calculate charts by hand and had to learn about UST and other means of measuring time. Other events that occurred in or near 1930 was the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, (1931) bootlegging and gambling, (1932), the New Deal, (1933) Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany, (1930), Fortune Magazine’s first publication printed, "The Shadow' radio show first aired, and the Chicago's Adler Planetarium opened, the first in America.
The Planet Pluto represents collective consciousness and the masses as affected by big business, world governments, the dark underworld, taboos, criminal activity, deep felt life transforming changes, total anarchy, and the deep far reaching depths of the soul, the dark shadow of the unknown, banks, mass economic changes and on and on, you get the picture. When Pluto was discovered a contest was held to select a name for it. Venetia Burney (Phair) an 11 year old student from Oxford, England suggested the name Pluto. As a fan of Classic Mythology she considered the name an alternate name of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, appropriate for such a dark and cold world. It everntually was accepted as the official name.
I used to ponder the link and relationships between planetary discoveries and their natures as it relates to world events and the times. I just couldn't for the life of me come to arbitrarily accept that someone, from where, I don't know, could decide what a planet represents, and just how does this come about. Then after studying my Buddhist practice and the writings of Nicherin Daishonin I read this statement from The Writings of Nicherin Daishonin Volume 1, page 132 “Conversations between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man” which states …names convey the basic nature of a thing while phrases describe how it differs from other things, …. that names designate the fundamental character of a thing. “In addition, names have the virtue of being able to summon the things to which they refer, and things as a matter of function respond to the name that refers to them.” So I said to myself, OK!
Thanks for listening
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