I believe the color purple, represents the vibratory frequency of the astrological sign of Scorpio, indicative of the power of the planet Pluto and resonates with the transformative activities of the 8th house. Individuals with strong Scorpionic traits are known for their mysterious and secretive natures, their abilities to perceive the motivations of others and who exude the duality of attraction and repulsion without notice, from moment to moment. It is said that Scorpios are so in tune with the triplistic nature of their own lives that no one and no thing can escape their microscopic insights into the lower and higher realms of life. They can glide from the highest of the highest of heights symbolic of a soring eagle, to the lowest of the low with the ability to inject it's stinger into it's own self while at the same time enjoying the capacity to transform from the base level of life from one form to the other, as a mighty phoenix , if..., he so chooses and if... , it is this within his/her life's purpose. Yes, a Scorpio phoenix can rise from the ashes of its own destruction or fall from the lofty clouds of its own ascent. This is the nature of Scorpio. Ok, so what has this got to do with power? Scorpios are constantly placed in positions where they are always on guard for their next test of power, always on guard is the key word here. Always suspicious of your next move and always setting plans for their next move, not because they are sneeky or underhanded ( although lower natured ones are very prone to this behaviour) but because their greatest test is the test of their own integrity. Ever prepared to test their own willingness to
give up, weld or take power. Power is! In itself it is not bad or good, right or wrong. It is what it is. It's how we utilize that that matters. Having to ability to capitalize on it for good or bad purposes or right or wrong reasons is the distinquishing factor. In Scorpio natives this is the challenge.
The gifts are from healing, to deal making, handling large business ventures, precision in decision making and handling instruments, psychological investigation, investigations (period), technical abilites, psychic penetration, the gifts of prophecy, and a deep perception of the nature of life and death.
If you are reading this and you have Scorpion, 8th house, or strong Pluto energies available to you, please don't confuse your ability to choose and use power with the right to manipulate and use people, things and situations, but think of it as a great responsibility with the most humblest appreciation to extract the essence of truth and integrity from your environment. For those who desire to develop this subtle power, just sit quietly and envision the color purple descending from above the crown of your head and allow it to flow into your being and see it as it projects from your body outwards to your surroundings any time you need power or wish for power to perform any of the above Scorpionic tasks for the most honest and sincere reasons.
Nancy Hughes
Next article is the Fixed Cross of Galactic inflows and outflows, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo, ... the Cherubim Sphinx
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