Mars went Retro on the 20th of December, and will go direct on March 10th. Make your New Moon 'Choose to Claim' list, 10 items relating to Capricorn, the sign of ambition, career, success, accomplishments, goals, excellence, and achievement.
The day begins with Venus and the Moon in conjunction at 12:03AM, EST, to follow up the New Moon, with more financial and emotional blessings!
Mercury the messenger, who has been Retrograde for 3 long messed up weeks, goes Direct in Capricorn at 8AM, so Friday is stellar, as we get our brains back, and we don’t have to do everything twice or thrice!
What is agreed to now can actually manifest, as opposed to any agreements made over the last 3 weeks. It will take 3 weeks for Mercury to return to where it was before the Retro, so we pick up the pieces for the next few weeks.
Just after that, the Moon enters quirky Aquarius, at 8:17AM, and we get friendly, smart, and a bit rebellious, as we choose to find our ‘group’ or those who share in our belief systems. Astrology prevails at this time, as the sign of Aquarius rules the Art/Science/Philosophy of Astrology!
At 5:45PM, the Moon and Saturn in Libra trine, so the week ends on a note of accomplishment, and success, in spite of Saturn
going Retro, mostly due to Mercury going direct on the New Moon,
which will brings power to our new activities and projects.
Saturday, January 16th, has no aspects until 2:15PM, when the Moon and Mars oppose, to bring an end to the monthly Mars cycle, in tune with the New Moon, so we finish the old, so we have time for the New!
Sunday is much busier, as Jupiter leave Aquarius for Pisces for the next few months, though it's a very short stay..
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