The Moon is in Gemini, President Obama's Moon sign, which explains his flip-flopping into a bush Republican, and is why I now have my hopes pinned on the people of the United States, as I am completely disgusted with his latest proposal, a 'Freeze', on spending. oh, NOT military spending, no, we can't have that!
His Aquarius rising will no doubt result in the empowerment the people to do the work we voted him into office to do, which will be to unite the left and right into one big anti-corporate entity, and buh-bye big corporations! No more corporate person hood for corporations. Google it. Let's end their divide and conquer technique, which works every time they use it.
This is just what the opposite of what is needed to get the economy going again, and for the average person, we all know the rich are getting richer, and the poor, poorer. Paul Krugman has a great article on it today. I'd love to blame it all on Rahm Emanuel, who is a planted corporatist, though I now think Obama is a goof and a wanna be corporatist! Nuf' said!
Why don't more people vote like people in every other country worldwide? Because it doesn't matter, when you have Diebold voting machines, and a President who does the opposite of what the people who voted for him want. Can you say Corpocracy? Cindy Sheehan, right again! No real difference between the two parties when money makes their world go round.
Back to the future:
At 8:30PM, Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Leo Rx oppose to make for strange bedfellows, as the tension needs to be broken when these two challenge each other.
At 9:30PM, the Moon trines Neptune in Aquarius, and we tune in to the mystical, and romantic vibrations are strong where trust exists.
Wednesday, January 27th: At 5:AM, the Moon enters Cancer, the sign it ‘rules’, and we call the family, talk to mom, hang out in the kitchen, and if we can, stay home for the next 2 days.
At 8:40AM, the Moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, so travel matters are blessed, we feel happy and expansive.
At 12Noon, the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, which brings the emotional cycle to a climax, and we focus on the challenges that our career poses to our family and home.
At 12:20PM, the Moon squares Saturn in Libra Retro, and we are challenged by the relationships we have at work, and with co-workers. No major aspects follow.
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