Quote of the day: The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection....Carl Jung.
Wednesday, January 27th: At 5:AM EST, the Moon enters Cancer, the sign it ‘rules’, and we call the family, talk to mom, hang out in the kitchen, and if we can, stay home for the next 2 days.
At 8:40AM, the Moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, so travel matters are blessed, we feel happy and expansive. We tune in to the 'flow'.
At 12Noon, the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, which brings the emotional cycle to a climax, and we focus on the challenges that our career poses to our family and home.
At 12:20PM, the Moon squares Saturn in Libra Retro, and we are challenged by the relationships we have at work, from the past and with co-workers. No major aspects follow, so we can rest when we’ve accomplished something. We make it up as we go.
Thursday, January 28th: this day is simple, with only two major aspects so the theme allows us to welcome friends and other pleasant surprises as the evening unfolds.
At 3:20AM, the Moon in Cancer opposes Mercury, so we have to make a choice between family and career, compromise solutions work well.
At 7:50PM, the Moon trines Uranus in Pisces, and we tune in to the new and unusual, and our homes are ready for more Earth-friendly appliances, weather-proofing, and modernizing.
Friday, January 29th: It’s a Full Moon Friday, in Leo, and at the end of the month, which brings January to a 'head', so prepare for the dramatic, as the show must go on!
Leo likes to pay attention, and is the best at giving it. Love is our focus, and helping those who need our love, like those in Haiti, (victims of the Saturn/Pluto/Uranus T-square).
At 5:10AM EST, the Moon enters Sunshiny Leo, to prepare for it's Fullness, as we need to give and get love under this influence. Everyone likes to relax, exercise, and enjoy their favorite forms of recreation under this sign, and with the Moon being Full.
At 10:43AM, the Sun opposes Mars in Leo Rx, and we compromise our actions to make amends to the love ones we’ve hurt in the past.
At 12:10PM, the Moon sextiles Saturn in Libra Retro, and we have a chance to enjoy the fruits of previous efforts..
At 8:20PM, the Moon and Mars Rx, conjunct in Leo, so we begin a new cycle of creativity, love, and passion, for the next 30 days.
At 9:20PM, the Full Moon is exact, at 10 degrees Leo/Aquarius, and we focus on what our heart desires, and stop to show how grateful we are for the love that surrounds us when we let go of our minds, and follow our hearts. This is a great time to enjoy our favorite people and activities, in a balance of rest and recreation.
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