Thursday, January 28, 2010

2010 PHASES OF THE MOON - January - March 2010

Written by Fraser Cain

Here is the schedule for all the Moon phases for 2010. If you're going to go skywatching, remember that the best time to see the night sky is when you have a new moon. When there's a full moon, the dimmer skies are washed out. Please note that all the times listed are in Universal Time.

Moon Phases, January 2010

Last Quarter – January 7, 10:39

New Moon – January 15, 07:11

First Quarter – January 23, 10:53

Full Moon – January 30, 06:18

Moon Phases, February 2010

Last Quarter – February 5, 23:48

New Moon – February 14, 02:51

First Quarter – February 22, 00:42

Full Moon – February 28, 16:38

Moon Phases, March 2010

Last Quarter – March 7, 15:42

New Moon – March 15, 21:01

First Quarter – March 23, 11:00

Full Moon – March 30, 02:25

Forecasts from Daykeepers Journal

Friday January 29

Today is a peak day as the Sun and Mars reach their opposition. This marks the halfway point in Mars’s three-month retrograde, which began on December 20. By now we can see the full potential of the Mars cycle, and it’s a downhill slide to fulfill it. The Full Moon underscores this process and ensures that we will spend at least the next week focused primarily on working with Mars’s process in our lives. The Moon enters Leo at 6:10 am, ending its night-long void period. Leading up to the 10:18 pm Leo Full Moon, the Moon harmonizes with Saturn and magnetizes Mars to bring out the industry in our nature. We’ll be busy today making progress in our most important projects.

The Full Moon is at 10°15′ Leo, with an emphasis on needs versus desires. We’ll be focused on what we need to do before we can go for our wants. Relationships may be on a back burner because of other activities. In the chart cast for the United States at Washington DC, 16 Scorpio rises. This places the Full Moon in Houses 3-9, emphasizing commerce and foreign affairs. In particular, Mars sits close to the US North Node, which is usually triggered when the US engages in foreign conflicts. It is possible that the US will step up activity in Afghanistan or Pakistan—or that an expected escalation is curbed.

At 11 Leo, the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is, “Beneath a huge oak, which holds back the rising heat of noon, some children [play] games in a great swing.” (M.E. Jones version) An atmosphere of safety allows us to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. In these times of pulling back from extremes of consumerism, we are finding new joy and appreciation in the abiding constancy of our social bonds. Even though we face grave situations in the world at large, personally we can be civil, joyous, and just.

Saturday January 30

The Moon in Leo makes three connections today, all perspective-giving oppositions. The early morning brings us new understanding of friendships, while late in the day we get another view of what we need to let go of in our lives to be free. The Moon goes void of course at 10:27 pm until tomorrow morning.

Sunday January 31
The Moon enters discerning Virgo at 5:23 am, bringing a new period of productivity to us. We’ll want to climb the nearest hill and commune with nature as she opposes Jupiter in the mid-morning. The biggest event of the day is the second of three Saturn-Pluto squares, which confronts us with our greatest weakness. When we realize that this contact only makes us more conscious of an issue that has existed for many years, it opens the door to possible solutions. At this second contact, we are acutely aware of what we must do. Even if we are driven soley by our desire to end the pain we are in, we have a plan and are resolved to fulfill it.  The analytic bent of the Moon in Virgo lifts us above our feelings and eases us through the day.

Daykeepers Journal

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Quote of the day: The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection....Carl Jung.

Wednesday, January 27th: At 5:AM EST, the Moon enters Cancer, the sign it ‘rules’, and we call the family, talk to mom, hang out in the kitchen, and if we can, stay home for the next 2 days.
At 8:40AM, the Moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, so travel matters are blessed, we feel happy and expansive. We tune in to the 'flow'.

At 12Noon, the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, which brings the emotional cycle to a climax, and we focus on the challenges that our career poses to our family and home.
At 12:20PM, the Moon squares Saturn in Libra Retro, and we are challenged by the relationships we have at work, from the past and with co-workers. No major aspects follow, so we can rest when we’ve accomplished something. We make it up as we go.

Thursday, January 28th: this day is simple, with only two major aspects so the theme allows us to welcome friends and other pleasant surprises as the evening unfolds.

At 3:20AM, the Moon in Cancer opposes Mercury, so we have to make a choice between family and career, compromise solutions work well.
At 7:50PM, the Moon trines Uranus in Pisces, and we tune in to the new and unusual, and our homes are ready for more Earth-friendly appliances, weather-proofing, and modernizing.
Friday, January 29th: It’s a Full Moon Friday, in Leo, and at the end of the month, which brings January to a 'head', so prepare for the dramatic, as the show must go on!

Leo likes to pay attention, and is the best at giving it. Love is our focus, and helping those who need our love, like those in Haiti, (victims of the Saturn/Pluto/Uranus T-square).
At 5:10AM EST, the Moon enters Sunshiny Leo, to prepare for it's Fullness, as we need to give and get love under this influence. Everyone likes to relax, exercise, and enjoy their favorite forms of recreation under this sign, and with the Moon being Full.
At 10:43AM, the Sun opposes Mars in Leo Rx, and we compromise our actions to make amends to the love ones we’ve hurt in the past.
At 12:10PM, the Moon sextiles Saturn in Libra Retro, and we have a chance to enjoy the fruits of previous efforts..

At 8:20PM, the Moon and Mars Rx, conjunct in Leo, so we begin a new cycle of creativity, love, and passion, for the next 30 days.

At 9:20PM, the Full Moon is exact, at 10 degrees Leo/Aquarius, and we focus on what our heart desires, and stop to show how grateful we are for the love that surrounds us when we let go of our minds, and follow our hearts. This is a great time to enjoy our favorite people and activities, in a balance of rest and recreation.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


        I believe the color purple, represents the vibratory  frequency of the astrological sign of Scorpio, indicative of the power of the planet Pluto and resonates with the transformative activities of the 8th house.    Individuals with strong Scorpionic traits are known for their mysterious and secretive natures, their abilities to perceive the motivations of others and who exude the duality of attraction and repulsion without notice, from moment to moment.   It is said that Scorpios are so in tune with the  triplistic nature of their own lives that no one and no thing can escape their microscopic insights into the lower and higher realms of life.  They can glide from the highest of the highest of heights symbolic of a soring eagle, to  the lowest of the low with the ability to inject it's stinger into it's own self  while at the same time enjoying the capacity to transform from the base level of life from one form to the other, as a mighty phoenix , if...,  he so chooses and if... , it is this within his/her  life's purpose.  Yes, a Scorpio phoenix can rise from the ashes of its own destruction or fall from the lofty clouds of its own ascent.   This is the nature of Scorpio.   Ok, so what has this got to do with power?   Scorpios are constantly placed in positions where they are always on guard for their next test of power, always on guard is the key word here.  Always suspicious of your next move and always setting plans for their next move, not because they are sneeky or underhanded ( although lower natured ones are very prone to this behaviour) but because their greatest test is the test of their own integrity. Ever prepared to test their own willingness to give up, weld or take power.  Power is!   In itself it is not bad or good, right or wrong.  It is what it is. It's how we utilize that that matters.  Having to ability to capitalize on it for good or bad purposes or right or wrong reasons is the distinquishing factor.   In Scorpio natives this is the challenge.

        The gifts are from healing, to deal making, handling large business ventures, precision in decision making and handling instruments, psychological investigation, investigations (period), technical abilites, psychic penetration, the gifts of prophecy, and a deep perception of the nature of life and death.

       If you are reading this and you have Scorpion, 8th house, or strong Pluto energies available to you, please don't confuse your  ability to choose and use power with the right to manipulate and use people, things and situations, but think of it as a great responsibility with the most humblest appreciation to extract the essence of truth and integrity from your environment.   For those who desire to develop this subtle power, just sit quietly and envision the color purple descending from above the crown of your head and allow it to flow into your being and see it as it projects from your body outwards to your surroundings any time you need power or wish for power to perform any of the above Scorpionic tasks for the most honest and sincere reasons.

Nancy Hughes
  Next article is the Fixed Cross of Galactic inflows and outflows, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo, ... the Cherubim Sphinx                                      


Obama a turn coat? According to REX plus 1/26 /27th forecast

 Tuesday, January 26th: the day has no major aspects until the evening, so we improvise and juggle, until 7:08PM EST, when the Moon and Uranus square, which brings aftershocks, and stress to make us aware of the future. And a President doing the bidding of his opponents.
The Moon is in Gemini, President Obama's Moon sign, which explains his flip-flopping into a bush Republican, and is why I now have my hopes pinned on the people of the United States, as I am completely disgusted with his latest proposal, a 'Freeze', on spending. oh, NOT military spending, no, we can't have that!

His Aquarius rising will no doubt result in the empowerment the people to do the work we voted him into office to do, which will be to unite the left and right into one big anti-corporate entity, and buh-bye big corporations! No more corporate person hood for corporations. Google it. Let's end their divide and conquer technique, which works every time they use it.

This is just what the opposite of what is needed to get the economy going again, and for the average person, we all know the rich are getting richer, and the poor, poorer. Paul Krugman has a great article on it today. I'd love to blame it all on Rahm Emanuel, who is a planted corporatist, though I now think Obama is a goof and a wanna be corporatist! Nuf' said!

Why don't more people vote like people in every other country worldwide? Because it doesn't matter, when you have Diebold voting machines, and a President who does the opposite of what the people who voted for him want. Can you say Corpocracy? Cindy Sheehan, right again! No real difference between the two parties when money makes their world go round.
Back to the future:

At 8:30PM, Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Leo Rx oppose to make for strange bedfellows, as the tension needs to be broken when these two challenge each other.

At 9:30PM, the Moon trines Neptune in Aquarius, and we tune in to the mystical, and romantic vibrations are strong where trust exists.
Wednesday, January 27th: At 5:AM, the Moon enters Cancer, the sign it ‘rules’, and we call the family, talk to mom, hang out in the kitchen, and if we can, stay home for the next 2 days.

At 8:40AM, the Moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, so travel matters are blessed, we feel happy and expansive.

At 12Noon, the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, which brings the emotional cycle to a climax, and we focus on the challenges that our career poses to our family and home.

At 12:20PM, the Moon squares Saturn in Libra Retro, and we are challenged by the relationships we have at work, and with co-workers. No major aspects follow.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trines Are Beautiful!

Sunday, January 24th, 6:40AM, EST: ‘Sun’ day begins with one of the best aspects for our careers and for being in tune with our purpose in life, as the Sun, now in Aquarius, and strict Saturn, Retrograde in Libra, form a blessed Trine, the aspect we all wait for to make it all worth it.

To make it even better, a GRAND Trine is formed with these two, and the Moon in Gemini between Sunday and Monday, when the Universe harmonizes in the element of air, representing the thought processes and intellect.
The Moon and Uranus sextile at 3:36PM, so Sunday may bring friends together, drop-ins and whatever we consider ‘unusual, disruptive, though it all turns out well!
Neptune in Aquarius and the Moon in Taurus square at 6PM, which means we will be tired by Sunday evening. Monday, January 25th: The Moon enters fun-loving Gemini at 2:12AM EST, and we spend the next 2 and a half days questioning, getting interviewed, writing articles, focused on the art of communication, curious, seeking to understand, and quick to see the other side of any equation. The Grand Trine of the Sun, Moon and Saturn is official.

The Moon squares expansive Jupiter, now in snowy Pisces at 5:10AM, and we find ourselves at odds with our own feelings, as we know change is inevitable.

At 10:05AM, Saturn in Libra Rx,(Retrograde) trines the Moon and the payoff comes with this aspect, squares are the work, and trines are the paycheck! Career and ambitions are blessed.

At 12:18PM, back-to-back trines form with the Sun in brainstorming Aquarius forming an excellent trine to the Moon in super-smart Gemini. The Sun and Moon form a rewarding trine once every ten days, with Grand Trines like this one being the most ‘rewarding’.

At 6:40PM, the Grand Trine shifts now to includes another trine, the best one we could get, to Venus, so love and money matters fall into place.

At 9:35PM, the Moon sextiles Mars, so all’s well that ends’ well, to complete a day of 3 trines, with our energy and those we attract in tune with our emotional and security needs. An amazing day in the Stars! Call me for details on your chart, and your Astro-Cartography!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Venus in Aquarius! Did you feel the shift today?

Quote of the day:

We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. ~Carl Gustav Jung (famous psychologist who used Astrology to understand how Zodiacal archetypes apply to our lives and personalities).

Thursday, January 21:
A great day, as Venus and Saturn form a rewarding Trine, though it begins with the Moon and Mercury, now direct, squaring off at 12:30AM EST. Our minds needs rest and regeneration, as we work through the difficulties and lessons we have chosen to check off the list.

The day unfolds nicely, as Venus, the love and money planet begins its transit of Aquarius and Saturn, the career and commitment planet, in thoughtful Libra, as they form a rewarding Trine at 9PM, to add to the good vibes the Moon and Mars are generating earlier. Many folks will be happier than usual!

Friday, January 22nd: the end of the workweek looks great, as the Moon in Aries and Neptune in Aquarius sextile, at 10:45AM, creating opportunities for romance and spiritual interests to bless us.

The Moon goes Void of Course until it enters the sign of it’s exaltation, Taurus, the love, work, money sign, at 7:40PM, so things improve in those areas.

The Moon then sextiles lucky Jupiter, now in Pisces at 10PM, which brings more choices and options to us relating to travel, people at a distance, schooling, personal happiness and freedom!More on the Weekend tomorrow!



Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 Forecast from Visual Astrology


Risk, Plots and New Ways Forward

The Sky-Stories of 2010

by Darrelyn Gunzburg

In recent Visual Astrology Newsletters we have been exploring the notion of liminal spaces, planets and spaces in the sky that allow us to make the transition from one state space to another.
This issue continues that theme as we stand at the edge of the new decade. What is in front of us? What can we expect in the year ahead? How will we journey from the years behind us into the new future? Rather than look at this year month by month, I am instead considering the players on the stage, the liaisons they form and the plots they hatch. As well, whilst we know that the three outer planets are not visible to the naked eye, I am including them in this overview as they are part of our mundane astrological expression.

The Crown Prince touches the Grass Roots Population

The year opens with the Crown Prince (Jupiter) together with Neptune in the tail of the Sea-Goat, in a situation of either seeking knowledge from a spiritual, religious or inspirational source or being that point of knowledge as a teacher or leader (emphasised by the tail of the Sea Goat being the watery or intuitive side of learning - see VAN December 2009). Brady describes the combination of Jupiter-Neptune as 'idealism, seeking the guru that has the answer to everything.'[1] This may have been manifested by the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and the headlines for The Guardian online in late December 2009 seem to agree: ‘Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure’.[2] Yet many spoke of this as being a Winter Solstice season of spiritual or religious inspiration and from this perspective the Jupiter-Neptune, utilising this energy inwardly, expressed itself positively.

The Crown Prince parts company with Neptune in early February, crossing the thigh of the Water Bearer, and at this point of the year is seen, bright and visible, setting just after sunset. In late February into mid-March, however, as Jupiter moves into the flow of water and abundance, he is invisible, rising with the Sun in the ‘other’ place. We could say that the fertile abundance that he shares with the world at this time (the flow of water of the Water Bearer) comes ‘out of the blue’ or through intuition or the arts or from an area that is creative or different (Jupiter travelling with the Sun – see VAN August 2009).

The Fishes of Pisces will hold Jupiter (the Crown Prince) in the later part of the year.

In late March the Crown Prince becomes Sulpa’e (returning to visibility – see VAN December 2006), rising before the Sun and greatly empowered with this intuitive or creative knowledge. He crosses the liminal space between the Water Bearer and the Fishes, suggesting a change or a transition, and meets up with Uranus beneath the southern fish of The Fishes in late-May where they stay for the rest of the year.

One ancient meaning of the fish was as a symbol of wisdom and the Celts believed that eating fish put new life into a womb.[3] Thus the meeting of the Crown Prince with Uranus suggests that this intuitive or creative knowledge gained when Jupiter was travelling with the Sun presages the emergence of something new (The Fishes) which can be put to use for the benefit of the grass roots population (Uranus’ influence) in a situation of risk-taking or exploration (Jupiter-Uranus).

A point to note is that around July-August the Crown Prince will become Nibiru (see VAN May 2009), the period when Jupiter draws towards culmination in the night but fails to ‘split the sky’[4] (seen to reach culmination) because he is extinguished by the light of the rising sun, signifying that some risk or venture which appears remarkable comes to nothing.

So apart from these middle months, 2010 from the perspective of the meeting of the Crown Prince with Uranus (the grass roots population) in The Fishes suggests the emergence of something new and different which comes from a more yin focus but which takes root in popular thought.

The King, The Warrior and The Radiating Goddess

Saturn makes a tight square to Pluto from January to April, and again from August to November 2010. However, in considering this through the lens of visual astrology, I am looking not so much at the action that is occurring centre stage but rather the small plots and shady deals that are being hatched in the shadows and behind closed doors.

Saturn, The King (also the land, the government, and authority systems) touched the tip of the left wing of the constellation Virgo in October 2009 and as the new decade opens, is found on her left shoulder, moving by mid-January back to the wing. The constellation Virgo is the archetype of the harvest-bringing goddess, independent of the masculine, concerned with the fruitfulness that comes from cyclic understanding. Yet the wing is about exile, (see VAN Feb 2009, Oct 2009, and Dec 2009),[5]hence this suggests that those in power may find themselves having to take responsibility (the shoulder) for refugees or the disenfranchised (the wing), or else they find themselves exiled or dealing with matters on foreign soil.

Saturn, while squaring Pluto in 2010, will be in the wing of Virgo.

Meanwhile Mars enters the year in the mouth of Leo the Lion, suggesting roaring aggression of some sort. Could this be the backlash to the disillusion of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference? By February 2010 Mars has retrograded back into the constellation of Cancer (the Manger) where he stays until May. The Egyptians linked this constellation with the Scarab Beetle and the idea of immortality, for it was the place where the sun, having reached its southernmost point of rising on the horizon, turned on its path and began the journey northward. (See VAN July 2009). This suggests these are months when, from a time of standing still, or negotiations going nowhere, or a military stand-off, something new is born.

In May 2010 Mars crosses the liminal space from Cancer to Leo, and in June sweeps across Regulus, the heart of the Lion. This is a time when it is imperative that military revenge or personal recriminatory actions are not taken, for Regulus, the heart of the Lion and a Royal Star of Persia (see VAN February 2006), offers great success but the nemesis is revenge. So there will be provocations and it will be a time when anger runs high.

In late July Mars, having crossed the liminal space between Leo and Virgo, meets Saturn, the King, in the wing of Virgo, a time when the military can influence those in authority. Now for a few days, Sin, the Moon god, passes underneath them both, so this is a tense time when the warrior has the ear of the King and Sin is not able to control the situation. Indeed for the rest of July the King is deeply connected with Nergal, signifying that July may be a time of warmongering or aggression on foreign soil, or where people from different countries joined in debate disagree and tempers run high.

Venus joins Mars in early-August empowering – or igniting - the situation. However, by mid-August she has carried Mars past the ear of the King, moving in the first two weeks of September to connect with Spica. Spica is the gift of the Goddess, the gift of brilliance, of knowledge and insight, so it may be that this is a time when new actions, new ways of doing things, can occur.

In mid-September Venus and Mars both cross the liminal space from Virgo to Libra, the Scales. However, Venus retrogrades back into this liminal space leaving Mars to continue the journey forward through the gates of Libra, into the jaws of the Scorpion, past the foot of Ophiuchus in early December and straight into the face of the Archer by the Winter Solstice.

Throughout the whole period Pluto rests on the top tip of the bow of Sagittarius, implying that a matter of aggression is poised in the balance.

In 2010 Pluto rides the tip of the Bow of Sagittarius.

As well, from June when it comes into orb until December when it is exact, the transiting North Node conjuncts Pluto (see VAN Nov 2009) indicating the desire to colonize and move forward (North Node) via obsession, confrontation, challenge or through seeking new social levels in the community (Pluto).

In conclusion …
The year begins with disillusionment (Jupiter-Neptune), aggression (Mars in the mouth of Leo) and those in power possibly having to take responsibility for refugees or the disenfranchised or they themself being exiled or dealing with matters on foreign soil (Saturn in the wing of Virgo). The year ends with the dawn of the Winter Solstice seeing a total lunar eclipse, Mars in the face of the Archer, Pluto poised on the tip of the Archer’s bow and the North Node conjunct Pluto. Much depends on what happens mid-year when the King is joined by Nergal, and then empowered by Venus, and the Crown Prince is Nibiru (disempowered).

However, given that the Crown Prince is with Uranus in The Fishes by this time, it seems that there are opportunities for new solutions to emerge and that other ways of handing the situation may be at hand. We could surmise however, that whatever occurs in the middle of the year only gets stronger by the year’s end and creates a new pathway, for better or for worse (Pluto with the North Node)

Time will tell how the visual astrology of this year manifests.

1. Brady, Bernadette. (1992). Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark. Samuel Weiser, Inc.: York Beach, Maine. pg 12.


3.Brady, Bernadette. (1998) Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars, Maine: Samuel Weiser Inc.p.311.

4.van der Waerden, B.L. (1949) "Babylonian Astronomy.II. The Thirty-Six Stars." in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol 8, No.1. pp 6-26, 12.

5.We will expand on this notion of exile in connection with the wing of Virgo in future Visual Astrology Newsletters.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cappy New Moon!

Friday, January 15th brings us the New Moon at 25 degrees Capricorn, just after Midnight MST, at 12:12AM, as well as Mercury going direct, at 7:48AM, EST, as it has been Retro since December 26th.

Mars went Retro on the 20th of December, and will go direct on March 10th. Make your New Moon 'Choose to Claim' list, 10 items relating to Capricorn, the sign of ambition, career, success, accomplishments, goals, excellence, and achievement.

The day begins with Venus and the Moon in conjunction at 12:03AM, EST, to follow up the New Moon, with more financial and emotional blessings!
Mercury the messenger, who has been Retrograde for 3 long messed up weeks, goes Direct in Capricorn at 8AM, so Friday is stellar, as we get our brains back, and we don’t have to do everything twice or thrice!

What is agreed to now can actually manifest, as opposed to any agreements made over the last 3 weeks. It will take 3 weeks for Mercury to return to where it was before the Retro, so we pick up the pieces for the next few weeks.

Just after that, the Moon enters quirky Aquarius, at 8:17AM, and we get friendly, smart, and a bit rebellious, as we choose to find our ‘group’ or those who share in our belief systems. Astrology prevails at this time, as the sign of Aquarius rules the Art/Science/Philosophy of Astrology!

At 5:45PM, the Moon and Saturn in Libra trine, so the week ends on a note of accomplishment, and success, in spite of Saturn
going Retro, mostly due to Mercury going direct on the New Moon,
which will brings power to our new activities and projects.

Saturday, January 16th, has no aspects until 2:15PM, when the Moon and Mars oppose, to bring an end to the monthly Mars cycle, in tune with the New Moon, so we finish the old, so we have time for the New!

Sunday is much busier, as Jupiter leave Aquarius for Pisces for the next few months, though it's a very short stay..

Mercury goes Direct Today!

My heart goes out to all of those light beings who are leaving their physical 'form's in Haiti, with what appears to be no preparation, (though we are always ready to meet our maker, and become one again with the 'all that is)'. Our higher selves, or God Consciousness, comes to the foreground at times like these. I experienced the 7.1 Earthquake in Northridge, California in 1994, 16 years ago on January 17th, so this brings up all that I went through, which was nothing compared to many, no electricity for 2 weeks, though the phone still worked! Camped out in the back yard with the tent, wife and 3 dogs, until the aftershocks wore off. 7 planets in Capricorn on the New Moon was the culprit, and I must say, I liked L.A. a lot more AFTER the quake as the 'attitude' was gone! Helpful and friendly replaced the ambitious and capricious! It was so nice, I waited two years to move! I was out of town before that, and knew what we were in for, (after the floods, fires, and riots, the Earthquake let everyone know who the boss is).

Thursday, January 14th, we are in the dark of the Moon, until the New Moon takes place for those in the Eastern Time Zone, though it’s not until early morning on the 15th for everyone else.

The day is quiet, with two minor aspects between the Moon and Mars, and Mercury and Mars, which can be 'irritating', though the Moon and Uranus making a follow-up sextile to follow the one made to the Sun, at 7:10PM. We bring the home and family into the Uranian environment, with more pleasant surprises, and friendly behavior bringing happiness to many. We feel the need to save the world and become our brothers and sisters keepers with this one!

The New Moon is in Capricorn at the 25th degree, so those born on the 14th/15th/16th, benefit the most, as do all Capricorns, as New Moons bring fresh energy, new attitudes, and a new ‘flow’ of abundance as it unfolds over the month! This should speed the flow of emergency assistance, and make for a faster rescue and clean-up.
Always make a Choose to Claim list on the New Moon, 10 items relating to the qualities of the sign it is in. More on this tomorrow!

Friday, January 15th brings us the Moon and Venus in a conjunction, to follow up with more financial and emotional blessings, just after Midnight!
Mercury the messenger, who has been Retrograde for 3 long messed up weeks, goes Direct in Capricorn at 8AM, so Friday is stellar, as we get our brains back, and we don’t have to do everything twice or thrice!

Just after that, the Moon enters quirky Aquarius, and we get friendly, smart, rebellious, and chose to find our ‘group’ or those who share in our belief systems. Astrology prevails at this time, as the sign of Aquarius rules the Art of Astrology! At 5:45PM, the Moon and Saturn in Libra trine, so the week ends on a note of accomplishment, and success, in spite of Saturn going Retro, mostly due to Mercury going direct on the New Moon, which brings power to our new activities and projects.Call me for details on love, location, career, health and wealth!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pluto's Name and Nature

I just wanted to state that starting a blog is work. Someone has to maintain it. Rex, my friend at does a good job so I've been borrowing his post just to have some data on my blog I hope he doesn't mind. Rex is a wonderful astrologer and has his own unique way of interpreting an astrological chart. He has read for me on my chart many times. Thanks Rex!

Now I realize that I can't keep posting Rex's work forever so I will eventually get started inputting my own unique insights from my own humanistic and scientific approach. You know astrology is more than just daily aspects and current trends. We can go very deep with it and that's just what I intend to do.

So let's start with Pluto the planet, yes I call it a planet and not a dwarf planet. Just because it's small doesn't mean it can be deemed a non planet. Pluto is so far out from our planet earth and revolves around the Sun in an elliptic pattern because it is being affected by the gravitation pull from a neighboring solar system. Now I don't know what system, that doesn't matter what matters is that to ignore this important fact and call it an dwarf seems to attempt to diminish its significance. As a matter of fact Pluto may be shared between the two star systems. I think this is the important new research that we should focus on. If it is actually considered a part of another system this kind of points to me the truth about the year 2012 alignment of the our solar system, and 11 other solar systems within our Milky Way Galaxy with our central star Alcyone and it’s central star.

The year 1930 when Pluto was discovered was a time when many new life transforming, humanistic societies and other universal events occurred. The Universal Standard Time system was devised, the Soka Gakkai ( Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhist lay organization) was founded in Japan (November 18, 1930) by the first and second president's, T. Makiguchi and J. Toda and soon after in 1935 Bill W. and Doctor Bob founded Alcoholic's Anonymous three events very important to my life, for obvious reasons; I practice Nichiren's Buddhism; I've been in recovery for over 22 years; and as an astrologer and used to calculate charts by hand and had to learn about UST and other means of measuring time. Other events that occurred in or near 1930 was the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, (1931) bootlegging and gambling, (1932), the New Deal, (1933) Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany, (1930), Fortune Magazine’s first publication printed, "The Shadow' radio show first aired, and the Chicago's Adler Planetarium opened, the first in America.

The Planet Pluto represents collective consciousness and the masses as affected by big business, world governments, the dark underworld, taboos, criminal activity, deep felt life transforming changes, total anarchy, and the deep far reaching depths of the soul, the dark shadow of the unknown, banks, mass economic changes and on and on, you get the picture. When Pluto was discovered a contest was held to select a name for it. Venetia Burney (Phair) an 11 year old student from Oxford, England suggested the name Pluto. As a fan of Classic Mythology she considered the name an alternate name of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, appropriate for such a dark and cold world. It everntually was accepted as the official name.

I used to ponder the link and relationships between planetary discoveries and their natures as it relates to world events and the times. I just couldn't for the life of me come to arbitrarily accept that someone, from where, I don't know, could decide what a planet represents, and just how does this come about. Then after studying my Buddhist practice and the writings of Nicherin Daishonin I read this statement from The Writings of Nicherin Daishonin Volume 1, page 132 “Conversations between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man” which states …names convey the basic nature of a thing while phrases describe how it differs from other things,  …. that names designate the fundamental character of a thing. “In addition, names have the virtue of being able to summon the things to which they refer, and things as a matter of function respond to the name that refers to them.” So I said to myself,  OK!

Thanks for listening

Uranus / January 14th New Moon

Saturn, the task-master and Career planet, went Retrograde today at 5:22AM, and re-enters Virgo on April 7th, goes Direct May 30th at 27 degrees Virgo and re-enters Libra on July 21st until it leaves on October 12th, Twenty-twelve! That's 10/12/2012, so if your are born on 10/12, you will be the first to recover from Saturn's' heavy testing'.Jobs and employers from the past crop up now for many.

Uranus will oppose Saturn two more times, and this happens while Pluto is squaring both, putting huge stresses on Earthlings, and the Earth, as in Haiti, with more to come as our consciousness shifts into survival mode, our compassion increases, and our spiritual frequencies rise in preparation for the advent of the Mayan Calendar!

Wednesday, January 13th has a wonderful Venus/Uranus sextile at 2:50AM, so love and money opportunities avail themselves ‘out of the blue’ with the outcome being positive!

This one is BIG, as Uranus rules large groups, international companies or corporations, world travel and global connections, Astrology and saving the world using your higher intelligence All themes emphasized at this time. Our brains work, we think smart, in harmony with what we love and value.

The Moon and Pluto meet up in Capricorn, at 3:15AM, so we get some deep rest or sleep, as our emotional batteries recharge once a month under this aspect.
Saturn makes one last aspect before it goes Retro, at 5:10AM, which brings changes at work, our plans, and foundations, and since Saturn rules ‘squares’, we are ready to take on the ‘difficult’ head first!

Saturn then does an about face and goes Retro 15 minutes after that, at 5:25AM, and we review the past, past lives, past deeds, actions, words, and commitments.

The Moon and Mercury are in ‘conjunction’ at 7:35PM, so we get back on track, as our minds and emotions become ‘one’ with each other now.

The last though certainly not ‘least’ aspect of the day, is the HUGE Uranus/Sun sextile, which we all love, as this brings opportunities to experience pleasant surprises, friends from out of the blue, the extra-ordinary and radical, Astrological and even news of UFO’s, aliens, and such!

Thursday, January 14th, has the New Moon taking place in the Eastern Time Zone, at 11:15PM, though it’s not until the early morning of Friday the 15th for the CST, MST, PST time zones. The Moon and Uranus make a follow-up sextile to follow the one made to the Sun, at 7:10PM, and we bring the home and family into the Uranian environment, with more pleasant surprises, and friendly behavior bringing happiness to many.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Personal readings at

Tuesday, January 12th has the Moon in Sag and Uranus in Aquarius squaring at 6:50AM, so we feel challenged emotionally, as to how uncertain the future looks, so we make changes that help create more security from our ability to foresee the things to come.
At 10AM, the Moon makes a sweet sextile to Neptune, also in Aquarius, so the day is off to a better start, with opportunities to be romantic, spiritual, or compassionate.
The day is quiet after that, until the Moon sextiles Jupiter and we have a chance to travel, open up to others, express the truth, as publish or broadcast our thoughts or views.
The Moon goes Void at this time, until it enters industrious Capricorn
at 8PM, we get down to biz, take stock of the apparent reality, and sticking to your goals is easy now.
Wednesday is busy, as Saturn goes Retrograde for a few months, and requires more space so I'll save it for tomorrow!

From 'REX'

Monday, January 11, 2010

Venus conjunct Sun have fun!

Monday and Tuesday!
Monday, January 11th, at 12:05PM, has the best aspect we could want, the love and money friendly Venus/Sun conjunction in Capricorn, at the 21st degree, so those born on or around January this date will benefit the most, though we all benefit when these two align to bring benefits, new jobs, finances, and LOVE!

To top it off, the Moon and Mars trine at 4:50PM, to put a cherry on top of our day, as our creative energies are rewarded, and our emotions are in harmony with our hearts desires. A great way to start the week!

Tuesday, January 12th has the Moon and Uranus squaring at 6:50AM, so we feel challenged emotionally, as to how uncertain the future looks, so we make changes that help create more security from our ability to foresee the things to come.

At 10AM, the Moon makes a sweet sextile to Neptune in Aquarius, so the day is off to a better start, with opportunities to be romantic, spiritual, or compassionate.

The day is quiet after that, until the Moon sextiles Jupiter and we have a chance to travel, open up to others, express the truth, and publish or broadcast our thoughts or views.

The Moon goes Void at this time, until it enters industrious Capricorn and we get down to biz, reality and being realistic, while sticking to your goals is easy now.

Thanks Rex!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Update: This week has Saturn going Retrograde in Libra on Wednesday, the 13th, re-entering Virgo until July 21st, (it goes direct again on May 30th), when it re-enters Libra for the next 2plus years. We return to the past when it comes to Retrogrades, so former employers and employees, jobs and such will be opportune for renewal. Mercury goes direct on the New Moon, and Eclipse as well, and so big, though positive changes are on the horizon, as we plant the seeds for our next 30 day cycle on these powerful moon cycles.

Saturday has one square early, between the Moon and Mars, at 8:25AM, so we are ready to accomplish and exert energy to reach our goals. Weather and attitudes are challenging though.

At 2:20PM, the planetary weather improves, with the Moon and Venus in Capricorn sextiling, bringing opportunities and choices with it, so the day looks great!

This is followed by the Moon/Sun sextile at 1:16PM, so Saturday is the day to make plans for things you’ve been putting off, like doing your favorite thing, just what Mercury and Mars Retro enjoy the most, reviewing the past!

The Moon TRINES Uranus in Pisces at 8:30PM Saturday evening,

And we are rewarded with the out of the blue, friends dropping by, and advances are being made in the world for all living things.

At 11:22PM, the Moon squares Neptune, so we should retire early,

Sleep and dream, or view a movie, ‘Avatar’ comes to mind!

Sunday has another square to start the day as the Moon squares Jupiter in Aquarius, at 6AM, so travel may be difficult due to weather and problems in general.

The Moon enters expansive Sagittarius at 9:10AM, to make Sunday optimistic, sunny and great for travel, sports, and the great outdoors.

The Moon sextiles Saturn in Libra at 6PM, which translates to ‘alls well that ends well’, as our home and career harmonize at the end of the week, to make the week ahead great for preparing to launch our new career dreams on January 15th, when Mercury goes direct, ON the New Moon, in the sign of success, attainment, goals and what we consider the cream of the crop!

this forecast is from 'Rex'