NOTE: The Moon enters Pisces on V-Day, conjuncts Venus for a loving and affectionate backdrop, and sextiles Pluto to make intimacy an option for some! The Sun and Neptune conjunct to make it the most romantic V-Day in years, what a co-incidence! The Moon and Jupiter conjunct as well, to make for many happy and truthful yet affectionate moments and a good day for travel as well.
Wednesday, Feb 10th:
Two planets change signs Wednesday, Mercury, the Communicator, and Venus, the Love and Money planet. Mercury leaves ambitious Capricorn at 12:05AM, EST and enters rock n’ rollin’ Aquarius to shake up the morning, (as Venus leaves this sign) and brings surprises and the unexpected for the next few weeks. Due to the effects of the sign Aquarius, more Earthquakes and Earth-related news will be making us conscious of the effects of humankind’s actions, the effects of the planets on our own planet, as well as increasing our respect for the forces of nature and the results they bring on our environment. Plan it, plant it, planet!
The day begins with only one event, Venus leaving Aquarius, still at the 29th degree, and so makes Wednesday a day for heroes, and those who volunteer to help others out of love, and humanitarianism.
No major aspects follow, making for an otherwise quiet day, so we get a breather, to rest up for Thursday’s busy day!
Thursday, February 11th:
Affectionate Venus enters romantic Pisces at 3:10AM EST, and the mood is set for Valentines Day, which is next Sunday, the 14th!
At 3:40AM, the Moon immediately makes a sextile to Uranus in Pisces, and we may make plans with our friendliest friends, if no one is taking advantage of their availability. Romance is opportune with those we trust, and like as much as love. Breakups and reunions can manifest when unpredictable Uranus is involved.
The Moon, ruler of the public, goes Void of Course at this time, until it enters radical Aquarius, at 2:25PM, and we lose our sense of direction, and little of consequence occurs. Most plans fizzle.
At 7:40PM, the Moon and Mercury conjunct in brilliant Aquarius, and we may get a brainstorm, a flash of intuitive insight, and we begin the next 30 day cycle by acting on the feelings we get at this time.
The Moon trines Saturn in Libra Rx at 10:20PM, so the day ends on a positive note, as our feelings harmonize with our wisdom, as we are rewarded with ease and effortless in these areas.Call me for details on your chart, love life, career, best location, health and wealth!
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