Wednesday, February 24th, 4 aspects: 1 opposition, 3 trines!
At 12:02AM, EST, the Moon in Cancer, the sign it rules, trines the Sun in Pisces, one of the best aspects for humanity, as we tune in to our spiritual selves, help each other, and find our inner selves easily now. Moisture, snow, and cleansing our emotions with a trip to the hot springs will do you good.
At 5:20AM, the Moon in Cancer trines lucky Jupiter in Pisces to continue the blessed vibes, and we are ready for emotional rewards, and receive them with less resistance now. Travel and family matters are favored.
At 8PM, the Moon makes its last trine, this time to Venus in Pisces and makes Wednesday evening great for having someone over for dinner.
Love and happiness are in the air, and we like to stay home with the Moon in Cancer and cook, or dine out at our favorite restaurant, whichever makes for a more romantic evening!
Thursday, February 25th, 3 major aspects, 1 trine, 1 sextile, 1 conjunction:
At 8:50AM, EST, the Moon in Cancer trines the planet of surprises, Uranus, still in Pisces after 6 years, to start the day on a note of surprises, as we get caught off guard, in a good way, and we get positive outcomes! Friends and family matters are in harmony.
The Moon goes Void of Course, and we can space out for the afternoon, until it enters Leo at 4:10PM, and life takes a turn towards the dramatic, matters of the heart dominate, and we choose to rest up and relax, though we need to stay busy at the same time.
The Moon conjuncts Mars in Leo Rx at 6:15PM, so we start a new love cycle for the next 30 days, with passion and/or jealousy getting more play now.
The Moon in Leo sextiles Saturn in Libra Rx at 9PM, and we choose to create opportunities that relate to our career, and new foundations are easy to manifest now. More tomorrow on the days ahead!
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