"There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life." -Varaha Milhira
Friday, February 26th, Moon in Leo, with no major aspects, so we make it up as we go and have to improvise. We do have a rare aspect known as a 'Yod', involving the Sun, Moon and Jupiter, which means 'careful what you ask for as you will get it!'
We do have 3 minor aspects, a contra-parallel, a semi-sextile, and a semi-square to keep us in adjustment mode, though they are 'minor'.
Saturday, February 27th, 4 major aspects, Moon enters Virgo:
At 5AM, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius to start the day on a note of spiritual and romantic rebirth, and we dream big, with love on our mind with many notes, letters, emails and phone calls being exchanged.
The Moon in Leo opposes Neptune at 10:35PM, so the show must go on, though for some this brings it to an end, relating to our hearts desires, balanced with the love we give to others.
The Moon opposes Mercury at 11:15PM, which brings home and money matters to a head,
The Moon goes Void of Course at this time, so we get a recess until it enters Virgo, when we clean, organize, and feng shui our lives.
The Moon enters Virgo at 4PM, and we focus on our health, early Spring cleaning, and improving our selves, and being in service to others.
The Moon trines Pluto in Capricorn at 11:50PM, (EST), for those outside of this time zone, Sunday begins with this aspect, so if your in the EST, Saturn’s day ends on a pleasant, relaxing, and rewarding note. Everyone else gets to experience this early Sunday.
Sunday, February 28th, Full Moon AND Sun conjunct Jupiter!!!
The last day of February has 4 big aspects, and is the Full Moon in Virgo as well. The month ends on a note of finality and completion, and March begins on a Monday, just like February did. We end the month and can wrap up important matters all at the same time! Sweet!
The Sun conjuncts lucky Jupiter in Pisces at 1:45AM, EST, and begins the day with the most expansive and fortunate aspects in all of Astrology. Travel, risk-taking, schooling, speculation, and being visionary are all favored with this once a year aspect! Savor it like a fine wine; it will bring many benefits for the next year.
The Moon in Virgo and Jupiter oppose at 7:20AM, so the day continues to be one of completion, focus as this aspect may feel like the Full Moon came early, due to two oppositions so close together.
The Full Moon in critical Virgo takes place almost at the same time, at 7:40AM, so we wake (if we slept that is), to a spiritual day. Saturday will feel more ‘fullmoon-ish’ though we bask in the afterglow through-out Sunday.
Full Moons bring us to a ‘stop’ so we can go inside and check in with our ‘inner’ selves, and say ‘hello there, how ya’ doin’? Take a break, as you will actually get a chance to take one!
Call me for details on your love life, career, best location, health and wealth!
Talk soon!
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