Friday, June 6, 2014

SmileFriday is the last day of Mercury Direct, so enjoy the day, for what it offers, which means it is time to savor our sanity. We all know what 3 weeks for Mercury Retro is like, as this happens 3 to 4 times a year. We review, re-do, re-make, re-connect, re-charge, and anything that you can put 're' in front of. The Moon is Void of Course all day, as it leaves Virgo for Libra at 8PM, for the weekend, and we partner up with those who need company, become more thoughtful and considerate, and weigh things out carefully, in order to make others happy, and thus, ourselves. The Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter in Cancer to start the day, with an awesome Sun in Gemini sextile to Uranus in Aries to make it one for opportunities to manifest happiness through new beginnings, forgiveness, and turning over a new leaf, as we allow others to do the same. Mercury the Messenger goes Retrograde at 6AM, Saturday! Best time to go on a va-ca, or to pretend you are, as it will feel like it anyway! It will re-enter Gemini in a few days, and we let the fun/crazy begin! Don't believe what you see, until you've seen it twice! ~Rex~Smile

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